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Infrastructure as Code Security

Empower your security team to adapt to new and ever-changing threat landscapes with ease. Fortify’s infrastructure platform is the new standard for breadth and accuracy.

New Technology, Stakeholders, and Threats

New Technology, Stakeholders, and Threats

In the everything-as-code era, developers - who are not traditional experts in infrastructure configuration and security – are being expected to take on this responsibility. Meanwhile, new threat vectors are continually emerging. Let Fortify, with our two decades of secure coding leadership, help your team establish and maintain an integrated infrastructure as code security posture.

Multi-Cloud Coverage

Multi-Cloud Coverage

Whether you’ve chosen a single cloud service provider (CSP) or multiple, Fortify helps secure Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) deployment

Enforce IaC best practices to identify violations of CIS Benchmarks and beyond

Prevent the most common breaches by ensuring you don’t leave an S3 bucket publicly accessible, allow unencrypted data transfer from an Azure blob or leave a default GCP service account active.

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Multiple IaC Platform Support

Multiple IaC Platform Support

More than 57 percent of organizations have adopted three or more infrastructure as code platforms, each with their own best practices and security risks.

Identify vulnerabilities and misconfigurations in cloud native templating frameworks including AWS CloudFormation and Azure Resource Manager templates.

Empower users of Terraform and Ansible orchestration platforms to create code that follows the CIS Benchmarks and prevent other common security issues.


Secure Container Orchestration

Secure Container Orchestration

Kubernetes (K8) deployments are increasing defined through code, making shift-left security a must-have capability to protect containerized workloads

Fortify identifies common misconfigurations and vulnerabilities in K8 manifests

Fortify also has you covered if you’ve opted for managed K8 deployments in Amazone Elastic Kubernetes Services (EKS), Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) or Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE).

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Fully Integrated Secret Scanning

Fully Integrated Secret Scanning

Hardcoded secrets – keys, passwords, etc - are one of the most common and dangerous risks as organizations move to the cloud and adopt infrastructure-as-code technology

Fortify combines multiple hardcoded secret detection algorithms, by analyzing known secret patterns in values, sensitive file types and risky variable nomenclature.

Benefit from breadth and accuracy of platform-specific secret detection spanning AWS, GCP, GitHub, Heroku, OpenVPN and many more.

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Fortify AppSec Demo

See how Fortify secures cloud-native applications.
release-rel-2024-9-1-9465 | Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024
Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024