The Art of
Protecting Data

Less risk, more data privacy.

  • A Single Global Privacy Framework

    A Single Global Privacy Framework

    Organizations need a privacy protection framework that is broad enough to cover the needs of global privacy requirements, yet flexible enough to support the needs of enterprises in different stages of maturity.

    A Single Global Privacy Framework
  • The Art of Protecting Data

    The Art of Protecting Data

    With the mounting weight of legal and regulatory mandates, the need to ensure data security and governance amidst rising volumes of data has become a top priority for IT leaders and the C-suite. View our 4-part webinar series and supporting content to learn more about protecting data through the entire lifecycle.

    The Art of Protecting Data
  • What's in Your Data?

    What's in Your Data?

    Today’s organizations must address data privacy concerns and manage content by securing and automating their processes.

    What's in Your Data?
  • Cloud Data Security

    Cloud Data Security

    This whitepaper describes the various Cloud Service Provider (CSP) security offerings and then provides a framework for data protection, with a set of strategic selection criteria.

    Cloud Data Security

Additional Resources

release-rel-2024-9-1-9465 | Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024
Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024