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Data Privacy and Protection

Data Privacy Assessment and Data Protection Framework

Our Data Privacy Framework helps organizations identify, assess, classify, and protect sensitive data stored in structured, unstructured, or semi-structured repositories—located on premises or in the cloud—to comply with today’s stringent data privacy regulations.

Assess Your Data Risk

Having a standards-based, customizable framework for discovering sensitive data across platforms and business domains is essential. CyberRes Data Privacy offerings provide organizations with automated data privacy assessment solutions to address data privacy regulatory requirements. We support diverse regulatory requirements and offer detailed data privacy assessment reports.

The framework includes guidelines on preparing reports to address gaps in your existing data privacy and protection mechanisms. It also provides requirements for protecting different types of data, how they are protected, who has access, and how the data can be destroyed.

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Know Your Data

The CyberRes Data Privacy Assessment Framework helps you define what type of data and data repositories should be included in the assessment. It also provides details on how the sensitive data stored in structured, unstructured, semi-structured data repositories can be identified, classified, and risk-scored based on its type, sensitivity, content, location, and availability in the assessment framework. The resulting assessment report provides the basis for you to prepare a plan for implementing data-centric or use case-based protection mechanisms.

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Transform Your Data Protection

After completing the data privacy assessment, the next question is, “What kind of protection mechanisms can be applied to mitigate or minimize the risk of data exposure?” The CyberRes Data Protection Framework provides best practices and guidelines based on the sensitivity of the data. It supports all types of data protection mechanisms and provides Stateless Encryption Key Management solutions. Our Data Privacy Assessment Framework and Data Privacy Protection Framework not only enable organizations to generate risk score-based reports on their sensitive data, but also provide a single-pane-of-glass view into this data.

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    Understand Your Data Drivacy and Protection Risk

    Learn how your organization can benefit from the CyberRes Data Privacy Assessment and Data Protection Framework from one of our solutions experts.
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