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Application Security as a Service

Application Security as a Service

Fortify AppSec as a Service helps ensure the security of your application while accelerating the pace of development.

Application Security as a Service


Infrastructure & Resources

Focus on your Application Security program not, your infrastructure.

Cloud-Native AppSec

Fast, frictionless security without sacrificing quality.

A Partner You Can Trust

Dedicated security expertise throughout every phase of the SDLC.

Why Fortify AppSec as a Service?

Industry-leading solution

Fortify is the only AppSec provider to offer SAST, SCA, DAST, IAST, and MAST as a service or in the cloud. Manage your Application Security program effectively and provide clarity across your enterprise with Fortify Insight.

High-quality AppSec

With Fortify, you don’t need to trade quality of results for speed.

Industry leading expertise

Supports 1,000+ vulnerability categories across 29 languages and spans more than 1m individual APIs.

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AppSec Use Cases
Solutions ideal for:


Accelerating AppSec programs

Fortify on Demand provides the quickest way to launch application security with no infrastructure investments.


Expanded security expertise

Achieve fast remediation throughout the software lifecycle with robust assessments by a team of security experts.


Software supply chain

Be confident in everything that goes into the apps you deliver by evolving the security of your software supply chain.



Give your developers the confidence to code securely with fast, frictionless security – without sacrificing quality.


Maturity at scale

Fuse AppSec into the fabric of your organization as you scale from one to hundreds, or even thousands, of apps with a partner you can trust.


Cloud transformation

Whether your app is fully cloud-native or just beginning to modernize, Fortify has you covered every step of the way.


Flexible deployment

Whether you utilize the managed services of Fortify on Demand or the SaaS deployment of Fortify Hosted, we have you covered.

Machine learning auditing

Audit Assistant reduces manual audit time by removing up to 90% of false positives with machine learning-assisted auditing.


Gain a complete view of vulnerabilities with a unified taxonomy across testing methods.

Integration Ecosystem

Embed security into application development and deployment to deliver on the promise of DevSecOps.

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Fortify on Demand

Application security-as-a-service with security testing and vulnerability management.

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Static Code Analyzer

Automated static code analysis helps developers eliminate vulnerabilities and build secure software (SAST).

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Software Security Center

AppSec platform to triage, track, validate, and manage software security activities.

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Dynamic testing (DAST) analyzes applications in their running state and simulates attacks against an application to find vulnerabilities.

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Software Composition Analysis

Integrated results deliver one platform for remediation, reporting, and analytics of open source and custom code.

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Fortify on Demand

Application security-as-a-service with security testing and vulnerability management.

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Static Code Analyzer

Automated static code analysis helps developers eliminate vulnerabilities and build secure software (SAST).

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Software Security Center

AppSec platform to triage, track, validate, and manage software security activities.

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Dynamic testing (DAST) analyzes applications in their running state and simulates attacks against an application to find vulnerabilities.

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Software Composition Analysis

Integrated results deliver one platform for remediation, reporting, and analytics of open source and custom code.

Success Stories

“Fortify on Demand has been fully integrated in the effort to improve the quality and, more specifically, the security of the applications we deliver to the business.”


Security Specialist

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“We looked at alternatives but found it a real challenge to find a solution that makes vulnerabilities visible... Once we saw what Fortify on Demand was capable of, we knew it was the solution for us.”

Jair García Osorio

Technology Security Officer

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“Fortify software is important in realizing our Product Security Strategy because it helps us detect vulnerabilities early in the development lifecycle. ... [and] has helped SAP in producing more secure code.”

Uwe Sodan

Security Team Manager SAP

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Try It Now

Start your free 15-day trial of Fortify on Demand today.
release-rel-2024-9-1-9465 | Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024
Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024