Start Your Free 30-Day Trial of LoadRunner Cloud Now

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  • Extreme scalability
    Extreme scalability
    LoadRunner Cloud can scale to huge, easily scale your load-testing solution to more than 5 million virtual-users
  • Reduce hardware maintenance
    Reduce hardware maintenance
    Cloud-based hosting means no need to manage and maintain infrastructure such as controllers or load generators
  • Virtualize real network conditions
    Virtualize real network conditions
    Apply accurate network conditions with integrated Network Virtualization to uncover performance issues
  • Identify problems faster
    Identify problems faster
    LoadRunner Cloud uses predictive analytics to understand anomalies and problems in real time
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    release-rel-2024-9-1-9465 | Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024
    Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024