Start Your Free 30-Day Trial of UFT One Now

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  • Accelerate test automation
    Accelerate test automation
    Accelerate test automation with one intelligent solution for web, mobile, API, RPA, and enterprise apps.
  • Simplify end-to-end testing
    Simplify end-to-end testing
    Simplify the end-to-end testing of 200+ enterprise apps, technologies, and environments with a single tool.
  • Increase test coverage – UI to API
    Increase test coverage – UI to API
    Test both front-end functionality and back-end service parts to increase test coverage across the UI and API.
  • Automate intelligently
    Automate intelligently
    Improve productivity, speed and resiliency with AI-based capabilities and intelligent test automation
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What others are saying about UFT One
    • CPU

      • Minimum – dual-core CPUs or better, for example, AMD Phenom II X2 and Intel Core Duo
      • Recommended – Intel Core i3 Processor or Phenom II X3


      • Minimum – minimum of 2 GB when no more than three add-ins are loaded simultaneously
        • An additional 512 MB of RAM are required when using a virtual machine.
        • Additional memory is required when loading more add-ins and when using the Save movie to results option to capture movies during run sessions.
      • Recommended – 4 GB or more of RAM


      • Minimum – 1024 X 768 or higher

      Free HD Space

      • Minimum – 2 GB of free disk space for application files and folders
      • Recommended – 20 GB of free disk space for application files and folders


      • Required – a recent version of Internet Explorer


      • Required – when testing Safari on Mac, you must install the UFT Connection Agent. There are no additional hardware requirements.
      *For a complete list of requirements, please see the Product Availability Matrix.
    • What's included in my trial?

      In your free product trial, you'll get complete access to the UFT One software, as well as a 30-day license key.

      What happens at the end of my trial?

      At the end of your 30-day trial period, your product will no longer function. You can inquire on pricing or purchase the product by contacting our Sales and Support Center via phone at 1-877-686-9637 or online via this web form.

      How can I buy the product?

      If you would like to purchase UFT One or have questions regarding product pricing, please visit the UFT One pricing page or contact us via phone at 1-877-686-9637 or online via this web form.

      What if I have more questions?

      Check out our Community Forum or Help Center for support, discussions, and other UFT One resources.

    release-rel-2024-9-1-9465 | Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024
    Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024