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threat detection
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Threat Detection
and Response

SIEM plays a critical role in threat detection and response. See how users rate their vendors in the latest Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’ Report for SIEM.

Talent and Threat Struggles

Talent and Threat Struggles

Security operators are fighting multiple battles. They are defending against increasing and emerging threats while fighting for the talent to strengthen their defense. Security analysts, deluged with distracting false alerts, must find and address that ‘needle in the haystack’—threats that matter—under tremendous time pressure.

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End-to-End Holistic Approach

End-to-End Holistic Approach

Reduce exposure time by accelerating effective detection and response.

Minimize false positives with contextual insights powered by layered analytics working in concert.

Lower costs and streamline processes with native built-in SOAR.


Advanced Threat Analytics

Advanced Threat Analytics

Increase threat hunting efficiency by leveraging layered analytics to quickly find what matters.

Enrich threat intel with innovative threat research and actionable insights.

Enable fast, smart responses with intelligent automation.


Simplify Compliance

Simplify Compliance

Centralize log management with unified storage and visibility to your security event logs from over 480 sources.

Ease compliance and audit burdens with built-in reporting content for addressing regulatory requirements.

Gain flexibility and cost advantage with diverse deployment options, including on-premises, cloud, and SaaS.

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Threat Research for Business Resilience


Threat Research for Business Resilience

View Your Threat Landscape

Quickly see what’s threatening your company and what you can do about it.
  • “By consolidating duplicate events and eliminating false positives with ArcSight SOAR, we have cut down the number of daily alerts to our SOC team by 90%.”

    Emrecan Batar

    Information Security Senior Specialist

  • “We have a small security team in place with many different priorities. I understand the need for proper anomaly detection, and needed a solution that gave us real analytics, rather than the ‘black box’ messages we received from some vendors.”


    Security Architect

  • “ArcSight complements our own security expertise perfectly, enabling us to orchestrate and control all aspects of cyber security through one platform, integrating people, processes, and technology for the benefit of our clients.”

    George Daglas

    Chief Operations Officer

  • “I have seen a lot of SIEM solutions come and go over the last 20 years. ArcSight, however, is still leading the pack. Without it, I would not be able to run our mission-critical SOC.”

    Rodney Lee



    State of Security Operations

    What are the global trends, challenges, and strategies in security operations?

    release-rel-2024-9-1-9465 | Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024
    Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024