
Advantage Online Shopping (AOS) is the website for a fictional company. It is used by Micro Focus as the AUT during customer-facing product demonstrations. It is also used for enablement activities. Its primary assets are a fully-functional website, an Admin client, and a mobile client. All are designed using modern programming practices, focusing on high quality and scalability.

AOS is built using DevOps practices, specifically Agile backlog management and continuous testing, including functional, non-functional, performance and security testing.

Minimum Requirements

  • System requirements: ·
    • Recommended OS: Windows 7, Windows 10 and Windows 2008R2
    • · Hardware: 2 CPU and 4GB memory
  • Prerequisites:

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AOB 3.3
561.3 MB
Apr 9, 2024
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Product compatibility
Version 16.0.100 · 16.0.200 · 16.0.300 · 16.0.400 · 16.1.100 · 16.1.200 · 16.2.100
Version 24.1
Release notes

Integration with AOB (registration)

GPS location simulation

Fingerprint Simulation

FaceID simulation

Integration with AOB (purchase)

Swagger enrichment

Photo simulation

Video Simulation

Audio/video streaming

(561.3 MB)
AOB 3.2
561.3 MB
Jan 3, 2022
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Product compatibility
Version 16.0.100 · 16.0.200 · 16.0.300 · 16.0.400 · 16.1.100 · 16.1.200 · 16.2.100
Release notes

Integration with AOB (registration)

GPS location simulation

Fingerprint Simulation

FaceID simulation

Integration with AOB (purchase)

Swagger enrichment

Photo simulation

Video Simulation

Audio/video streaming

AOS 3.1
553.2 MB
Jan 13, 2021
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Product compatibility
Version 15.0.20 · 15.0.40 · 15.0.60 · 15.1.20 · 15.1.40 · 15.1.60 · 15.1.90
Release notes

This release includes the following updates and enhancements:


  • The account service REST API includes login, logout, registration and the ability to delete and deactivate users directly using AOS swagger.
  • Swagger libraries are updated to the latest version (new look and feel).


  • SMAX integration means user management activities are performed as part of the Help Desk responsibility, by using the accountservice REST API.


Integrated with Voltage Data Encryption, Purchases using Master Credit can be encrypted using voltage service

Bug Fixes

  • The AOS login text box appeared overlapped during a second login attempt.
  • Swagger had a missing version number which caused UFT scripts to break.
  • An Admin URL mapping caused an error when trying to connect to the account service.

Stay Tuned! We plan to build a NEW demo application. This time the application will be a simplified version of a real, working, enterprise online banking application. The new demo application will co-exist with the current AOS demo application.

AOS 3.0
546.0 MB
Nov 8, 2020
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Product compatibility
Release notes

In this release, we introduce a new type of deployment to AOS – using the latest Spring cloud architecture, we added two additional services: configuration service and gateway service.

This will improve accessibility by using a single endpoint. AOS configuration (changing log level, services location and more) can now be done from a single file

This release includes the following updates and enhancements:

AOS Cloud Deployment

The AOS gateway service acts as a load balancer. This means application access now occurs using a single endpoint

The entire application configuration is managed inside the AOS configuration service. This means no more complicated changes to AOS services endpoints.

The account service artifact changed from war to jar. This means it can be deployed outside a web server (tomcat), inside a container, or in a full operating system.

The application log level configuration is now managed in a single file.

We made various network topology changes.

We upgraded to the services jars using the latest spring version.

We added an option to the build process to decide which type of deployment should be built (gateway or non-gateway).


We improved the login module for better object identification.


Integrated with Voltage Data Encryption, Purchases using Master Credit can be encrypted using voltage service.

AOS 2.4
362.7 MB
Jun 18, 2020
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Product compatibility
Version 15.0.40
Release notes

What's New


  • We have developed a new feature that integrates AOS and AMC Visual COBOL! The AOS backend will trigger a COBOL service that generates a warranty for a laptop during the purchase process.
  • COBOL pre-sales users can now attach the Eclipse debugger to demonstrate executing the called COBOL web service.

Web Management Console

  • Admin users can modify the location of the warranty service so they can use on-premise or cloud warranty service.


  • Added a new API, the COBOL service URL that generates the warranty calculation.


  • When the Enable Warranty setting is ON, you now see a new checkbox (Add Warranty) on the page displaying any laptop.


  • Silent installation.
  • Pipeline improvements.


  • Bug fixes and performance improvements.
AOS 2.3
362.7 MB
Mar 30, 2020
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Product compatibility
Version 15.00.0 · 15.01.0 · 15.50 · 15.51
Version 6.1.3 · 6.2.0 · 6.2.1 · 6.2.2 · 6.2.3 · 6.2.4
Version 2020.0.0 · 2020.1.0 · 2020.2.0 · 2020.3.0
Version 15.0 · 15.01 · 15.02
Release notes

What's New:

  • Management Console
    Admin user is now able to restore the entire AOS system to factory settings.
    The option is available through the Web Management Console, the API, and the .NET Management Console.
  • DevOps ·
    Refactor AOS repo, Use a clean tool to remove unwanted git repository
    Name convention for the downloadable files
    Use STAT recommendation to fix vulnerabilities discovered from static code scans
  • General
    Migrate from Oracle Java to OpenJDK
    Fix issue with AOS for Windows
    Enhance the accountservice SOAP service
  • Mobile
    Fingerprint authentication (iOS & Android)
    Codeless AI - Modify AOS UI for better Mobile Testing
    New Demo Narrative is currently available
  • Security
    Authentication events are now logged, so these can be utilized within a security context for ArcSight ESM, Interset, Logger and others. For CEF format, we will shortly release a Flex Connector, or you can write your own.
  • ITOM
    Leverage AOS for monitoring End User inter-container traffic
    Design new feature leveraging COBOL - stay tuned for the next version.
  • LRC
    Deploy a Nimbus docker container, on-premises LG.

AOS 2.2
497.6 MB
Jan 30, 2020
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Product compatibility
Version 6.1.3 · 6.2.0 · 6.2.1 · 6.2.2 · 6.2.3 · 6.2.4
Version 20.0 · 20.5
Version 20.0 · 20.5
Version 6.2.0 · 6.2.1 · 6.1.5 · 6.2.2 · 6.3.0 · 6.3.1 · 6.3.2
Version 15.0.20 · 15.0.40 · 15.0.60 · 15.1.20 · 15.1.40 · 15.1.60 · 15.1.90
Version 14.0 · 14.50
Version 12.0 · 12.1 · 12.2 · 12.50 · 12.53 · 12.55 · 12.56 · 12.57 · 12.60 · 12.61 · 12.62 · 12.63
Version 2020.0.0
Release notes

What's New:

  • Management Console · Admin user is now able to restore the entire AOS system to factory settings. · The option is available through the Web Management Console, the API, and the .NET Management Console.
  • DevOps · Functional tests – The suite has been upgrade to UFT v15.0 and the tests have been refactored as we notice a problem with the verification step.
  • Performance tests – The LRC Jenkins job has been improved.
  • Critical defect fixes ·
    • Shipping Express – A date format issue caused an exception during checkout, preventing the Payment transaction from completing.
    • Nimbus - The ‘admin’ user can now log in to the Management console.
AOS 2.1
497.5 MB
Dec 26, 2019
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Product compatibility
Version 2020.0.0 · 2020.1.0 · 2020.2.0 · 2020.3.0
Version 15.0.20 · 15.0.40 · 15.0.60 · 15.1.20 · 15.1.40 · 15.1.60 · 15.1.90
Version 6.1.3 · 6.2.0 · 6.2.1 · 6.2.2 · 6.2.3 · 6.2.4
Release notes

This version contains Configuration Management as part of the New Web Management Console

most of the what's new are related to the AOS 2.0 , the total feature review can be found at

AOS 2.0
484.5 MB
Jun 4, 2019
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Product compatibility
Version 11.52 · 11.0 · 11.51
Version 12.0 · 12.1 · 12.2 · 12.50 · 12.53 · 12.55 · 12.56 · 12.57 · 12.60 · 12.61 · 12.62 · 12.63
Version 9.5 · 9.1 · 9.51
Version 2020.0.0 · 2020.1.0 · 2020.2.0 · 2020.3.0
Version 2021.0.0 · 2021.1.0 · 2021.2.0 · 2021.3.0
Version 2022.0.0 · 2022.1.0 · 2022.2.0
Version 2023.0.0 · 2023.1.0
Version 12.0 · 12.1 · 12.52 · 12.53 · 12.54 · 12.02 · 12.51 · 12.50
Version 11.5 · 11.51 · 11.52 · 11.53
Version 14.00 · 14.1 · 14.02 · 14.03 · 14.50 · 14.51 · 14.52 · 14.53
Version 2.50 · 2.51 · 2.53 · 2.60 · 2.70 · 2.80
Version 3.00 · 3.10 · 3.20 · 3.30 · 3.40 · 3.50
Version 6.1.3 · 6.2.0 · 6.2.1 · 6.2.2 · 6.2.3 · 6.2.4
Release notes

We put a lot of work into the backend, upgrading it using the latest technology, so it is more stable, secure, and easy to install. We also upgraded the Management Console with the latest front-end technology. Plus, we added easy-to-read documentation and two short videos to help you learn how to use the product.

This release includes the following updates and enhancements:

Java 11

We upgraded from Java 8 to Java 11 after many requests to align AOS with the latest back-end technology

Front-End Dependency Management

We switched the JavaScript package manager from Bower to Yarn after Bower was deprecated. Yarn is more secure, faster, and super reliable

PostgreSQL 10.0

We upgraded the PostgreSQL database to version 10.0 to align with the Java 11 upgrade.

Front-End Dependency Management

We switched the JavaScript package manager from Bower to Yarn after Bower was deprecated. Yarn is more secure, faster, and super reliable

Nginx new version (1.14.0-0)

We upgraded Nginx to the latest version in keeping with our promise to align with the latest technology.

User Guide

We now have real documentation for our users. This PDF guide helps you understand the architecture and interface of the Advantage Online Shopping application and Manage Console. It also shows you how to configure AOS to demonstrate other Micro Focus products.


We produced a video that explains the AOS features and shows you how to use AOS to demonstrate end-to-end flow with other products in the Micro Focus portfolio.

New Web Management Console

Our users asked us to provide our Management Console on the Web so they could quickly access its administrative features. We answered their request by implementing a new separate Console, using React. This is an ongoing and fully Agile project; for this version we are delivering only the Landing Page


We now have WebSocket API so you can send messages to AOS server and receive event-driven responses without polling the server for a reply.


Following LoadRunner analysis, we improved AOS by removing duplicate requests.


To make UFT/LeanFT object recognition more robust, we gave unique values to several attributes that used to have blank values, Specifically, these new attributes help with the shopping cart link because the number of items in the cart is dynamic


We improved the installer to make installation fast and smooth. For the first time, we embedded Java 11 inside the installer.


We added a health check to the PostgreSQL Docker container. This makes the application more stable.

We also start using Grafana.


We added an internal tool called STAT scan to run a security scan once a week. This makes the application more secure.

Spring Framework

We upgraded the back-end jars from Spring version 4 to version 5.

AOS 1.1.7
275.2 MB
Feb 5, 2019
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Product compatibility
Version 11.52 · 11.0 · 11.51
Version 12.0 · 12.1 · 12.2 · 12.50 · 12.53 · 12.55 · 12.56 · 12.57 · 12.60 · 12.61 · 12.62 · 12.63
Version 9.5 · 9.1 · 9.51
Release notes

The following features were introduced or enhanced in Advantage Online Shopping version 1.1.7

Mobile Center

  • Added fingerprint authentication for Android
  • AOS aligned with the latest version of Mobile Center

Operations Bridge

  • Added new performance configuration for Postgres Locks

Windows local installation

  • General installation improvements


  • Implemented new standards for public cloud engineering
  • Improved the internal nightly tests


  • Enriched CI nightly test, enabling you to include LeanFT and AOS in customer demos

Performance Engineering tools

  • Create TruClient, HTTP, and TruWeb scripts for performance testing and monitoring

AOS cloud architecture

  • New AWS aArchitecture
  • [In progress] Use of AWS services such as ECS and Lambda
AOS 1.1.6
269.5 MB
Nov 7, 2018
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Product compatibility
Version 11.52 · 11.0 · 11.51
Version 12.0 · 12.1 · 12.2 · 12.50 · 12.53 · 12.55 · 12.56 · 12.57 · 12.60 · 12.61 · 12.62 · 12.63
Version 9.5 · 9.1 · 9.51
Version 12.0 · 12.1 · 12.52 · 12.53 · 12.54 · 12.02 · 12.51 · 12.50
Version 11.5 · 11.51 · 11.52 · 11.53
Version 14.00 · 14.1 · 14.02 · 14.03 · 14.50 · 14.51 · 14.52 · 14.53
Version 2.50 · 2.51 · 2.53 · 2.60 · 2.70 · 2.80
Version 12.53.16 · 12.53.17 · 12.55.4 · 12.55.5 · 12.55.6 · 12.55.7 · 12.55.8 · 12.55.9 · 12.55.10 · 12.55.11 · 12.55.12 · 12.55.13 · 12.55.25 · 12.60.4 · 12.60.3 · 12.60.35 · 12.60.47 · 12.60.60
Release notes

This release includes the following updates and enhancements:   


  • Log refactoring for ITOM requirements
  • Migration to the Technical Enablement Platform team’s Blueshift platform  

Installation enhancements 

  • New Windows installation tool with additional settings and options
  • Simplified Linux installation
  • New option to use AOS without a local Postgres DB
  • On Windows, AOS now runs as a service  


  • New API to delete an account, helpful for reusing tests with the same login data   


  • Secure Nginx implementation
  • New option to select whether to deploy an Android pipeline or not   

Admin Client Module 

  • Fixed defects for performance and availability configuration   

Web enhancements

  • New ability to delete an account, helpful for reusing tests with the same login data. 
  • Updates for Micro Focus rebranding   


  • Enriched CI nightly test, enabling you to include LeanFT and AOS in customer demos  
AOS 1.1.5
254.9 MB
Jul 16, 2018
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Product compatibility
Version 11.52 · 11.0 · 11.51
Version 12.0 · 12.1 · 12.2 · 12.50 · 12.53 · 12.55 · 12.56 · 12.57 · 12.60 · 12.61 · 12.62 · 12.63
Version 9.5 · 9.1 · 9.51
Version 12.0 · 12.1 · 12.52 · 12.53 · 12.54 · 12.02 · 12.51 · 12.50
Version 11.5 · 11.51 · 11.52 · 11.53
Version 14.00 · 14.1 · 14.02 · 14.03 · 14.50 · 14.51 · 14.52 · 14.53
Version 2.50 · 2.51 · 2.53 · 2.60 · 2.70 · 2.80
Release notes

This release includes the following updates and enhancements:   


  • An updated and improved installation guide
  • Deployment Automation in the DevOps toolchain 
  • Added SiteScope and New Relic system monitoring to the application 

Mobile Center 

  • Support for fingerprint authentication on iOS


  • End-to-end LeanFT tests are part of the CI process, and can be part of demos to customers 


  •  Added a new SQL Injection vulnerability 


  • General enhancements, such as Catalog, Order and SafePay APIs 


  • General performance improvements 


  • On-prem environment – improve the startup of the AOS containers to be much more faster

 Admin Client Module 

  • New support for exporting configurations to Excel
  • New support for copying the configurations descriptions to the clipboard  ·
  • Added the following new tabs: Fortify, Network Virtualization, and Service Virtualization  
AOS 1.1.4
265.9 MB
Mar 21, 2018
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Product compatibility
Version 12.0 · 12.1 · 12.2 · 12.50 · 12.53 · 12.55 · 12.56 · 12.57 · 12.60 · 12.61 · 12.62 · 12.63
Version 11.52
Version 12.53 · 12.0 · 12.1 · 12.50 · 12.52 · 12.20 · 12.54
Version 14.0 · 14.50
Version 14.00 · 14.1 · 14.02 · 14.03 · 14.50 · 14.51 · 14.52 · 14.53
Version 2.53 · 2.60
Version 12.53.16 · 12.53.17 · 12.55.4 · 12.55.5 · 12.55.6 · 12.55.7 · 12.55.8 · 12.55.9 · 12.55.10 · 12.55.11 · 12.55.12 · 12.55.13 · 12.55.25 · 12.60.4 · 12.60.3 · 12.60.35 · 12.60.47 · 12.60.60
Release notes

Mobile Center  

  • 'Use my location' (GPS) is now working in both iOS and Android in Create account > address and in Cart order payment > shipping details


  • Remove the ‘onblur’ behavior from the search method 
  • Contact us: make the "thank you" message timeout longer

Performance tools  

  • Performance improvements

Advantage Online Shopping  

  • Allow the admin user to manage product colors and images from the Admin UI
  • Advantage downloads now contain the .NET client for admin management 
  • Many DevOps improvements
  • Quality improvements - about 30 defects were closed
  • Block unauthorized access to the production DB.
AOS 1.1.3
265.0 MB
Dec 3, 2017
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Product compatibility
Version 12.0 · 12.1 · 12.2 · 12.50 · 12.53 · 12.55 · 12.56 · 12.57 · 12.60 · 12.61 · 12.62 · 12.63
Version 2.53
Release notes

  Mobile Center  

  • Mobile devices quantity screen – make the quantity field clickable.      
  • Upload picture support.


  • Activate search on text by clicking the magnifying glass icon.
  • Improvements in our element recognition, enabling a better SPY recognition.

Performance tools  

  • Performance improvements.
  • Improved Advantage installation. 
  • Advantage uninstall support.

 Advantage Online Shopping  

  • Align the Advantage pipeline with  a more accurate DevOps story.
  • Google Analytics support.
  • Docker deployment improvements for Nimbus.
  • Add an Octane and Android pipeline to Advantage Docker DevOps deployment for Nimbus.
  • Quality improvements - more than 70 defects were closed.
  • What’s new and Advantage downloads are now available from the  application.


  • Crash Advantage native applications (iOS and Android) when the user changes the device from portrait to landscape.
  • Crash the Advantage application with error 500 (Web and Android).
  • Generate error 403 (Web and Android).
  • Slow launch of the Android Advantage native application.
AOS 1.1.2
265.2 MB
Jul 27, 2017
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Product compatibility
Version 12.0 · 12.1 · 12.2 · 12.50 · 12.53 · 12.55 · 12.56 · 12.57 · 12.60 · 12.61 · 12.62 · 12.63
Version 2020.0.0 · 2020.1.0 · 2020.2.0 · 2020.3.0
Version 2021.0.0 · 2021.1.0 · 2021.2.0 · 2021.3.0
Version 2022.0.0 · 2022.1.0 · 2022.2.0
Version 2023.0.0 · 2023.1.0
Version 2.0 · 2.5 · 2.51 · 2.6 · 2.7 · 2.8 · 2.9
Version 12.0 · 12.1 · 12.2 · 12.5 · 12.20 · 12.50 · 12.21 · 12.53 · 12.55 · 12.60
Version 14.00
Version 15.00.0 · 15.01.0 · 15.50 · 15.51
Version 16.0 · 16.01
Version 17.0.0 · 17.01
Version 24.1
Version 9.10 · 9.12 · 9.14 · 9.21 · 9.22 · 9.30 · 9.31 · 9.32 · 9.40 · 9.41 · 9.42 · 9.50 · 9.51 · 9.52 · 9.53 · 9.54 · 9.55 · 9.60 · 9.61 · 9.62 · 9.63 · 9.64 · 9.65 · 9.66
Version 10.0 · 10.01 · 10.02 · 10.03 · 10.04
Version 2023.0
Version 12.53 · 12.0 · 12.1 · 12.50 · 12.52 · 12.20 · 12.54
Version 14.0 · 14.50
Version 12.0 · 12.1 · 12.52 · 12.53 · 12.54
Version 14.00 · 14.1 · 14.02 · 14.03 · 14.50 · 14.51 · 14.52 · 14.53
Version 15.0 · 15.01 · 15.02
Version 2021.0 · 2021.1
Version 2022.0
Version 2023.0
Version 2.50 · 2.51 · 2.53 · 2.60 · 2.70 · 2.80
Version 3.00 · 3.10 · 3.20 · 3.30 · 3.40 · 3.50
Version 2021.00.00 · 2021.01 · 2021.02
Version 2022.00
Version 2023.00
Version 12.53.16 · 12.53.17 · 12.55.4 · 12.55.5 · 12.55.6 · 12.55.7 · 12.55.8 · 12.55.9 · 12.55.10 · 12.55.11 · 12.55.12 · 12.55.13 · 12.55.25 · 12.60.4 · 12.60.3 · 12.60.35 · 12.60.47 · 12.60.60
Version 15.0.20 · 15.0.40 · 15.0.60 · 15.1.20 · 15.1.40 · 15.1.60
Version 16.0.100 · 16.0.200 · 16.0.300 · 16.0.400 · 16.1.100 · 16.1.200 · 16.2.100
Version 24.1
Release notes

Initial release



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