
Ever tried to manage regulatory assessments or projects - e.g. for GDPR, CCPA or POPIA - with large spreadsheets and dozens of documents? Collaborated with various stakeholders and consolidated their inputs? Created macros and templates to boil down the results in management reports and dashboards? Sent them around every week just to find out they were outdated a few hours later? And don’t even ask for auditing – “Who decided this is not relevant about a year ago?” “How can we ensure we did not miss anything?” “What did we discuss regarding this article?” – Spreadsheets, really?

Watch the short video Do you still manage GDPR in Spreadsheets? Try GDPR & ALM Octane – A Perfect Match! - ALM Octane and ALM/QC make it much easier to work with the GDPR, CCPA or POPIA: You can easily collaborate with stakeholders, search & filter for specific terms, use dashboards & analytics to measure and manage progress. It automatically creates audit trails so you can validate and explain how you analyzed and implemented GDPR requirements in your organization. ALM Octane and ALM/QC contain project management capabilities and many more very useful functionalities out of the box.

The Content Packs also contain links to the Micro Focus portfolio. Use it to answer questions like “I have to implement pseudonymisation – which products support that?” or “We already use Micro Focus Content Manager – which regulatory requirements and use cases can we address with it?”.

Please see the User Guide (download below) - it explains these use cases in more detail - or watch the video First steps with the Content Packs for GDPR, CCPA & POPI Act.

ALM Octane and ALM/QC with the Content Packs support various processes around GDPR, CCPA & POPIA and can be used by consulting firms and end users. You can use and enhance the Content Packs free of charge – not only for importing GDPR, POPIA & CCPA into ALM Octane or ALM/QC, but any regulation, specification or bulk data: And if you are an SAP customer you can easily create SAP Content Packs - just click on the Micro Focus logo!

If you like the Content Packs please review & give them 5 stars! You face any errors? Have ideas how to improve them? Please contact me!

Minimum Requirements

  • Micro Focus ALM Octane (Software as a Service or on-premise)
  • Micro Focus ALM/QC (Software as a Service or on-premise)
  • Microsoft Excel 2010 (32 Bit or 64 Bit)

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2021-08-28 21.3
11.8 MB
Aug 28, 2021
More info Less info
Product compatibility
Version 12.53.16 · 12.53.17 · 12.55.4 · 12.55.5 · 12.55.6 · 12.55.7 · 12.55.8 · 12.55.9 · 12.55.10 · 12.55.11 · 12.55.12 · 12.55.13 · 12.55.25 · 12.60.4 · 12.60.3 · 12.60.35 · 12.60.47 · 12.60.60
Version 15.0.20 · 15.0.40 · 15.0.60 · 15.1.20 · 15.1.40 · 15.1.60 · 15.1.90
Version 16.0.100 · 16.0.200 · 16.0.300 · 16.0.400 · 16.1.100 · 16.1.200 · 16.2.100
Version 24.1
Version 12.50 · 12.53 · 12.55 · 12.60
Version 14.00
Version 15.00.0 · 15.01.0 · 15.50 · 15.51
Version 16.0 · 16.01
Version 17.0.0 · 17.01
Version 24.1
Release notes
  • Important fix for regulations with many sub-levels (especially CCPA and POPI Act)
  • Minor error in GDPR (DE - German) fixed in article 40 (2) a-c
2021-05-01 21.2
11.9 MB
May 1, 2021
More info Less info
Product compatibility
Version 12.50 · 12.53 · 12.55 · 12.60
Version 14.00
Version 15.00.0 · 15.01.0 · 15.50 · 15.51
Version 12.53.16 · 12.53.17 · 12.55.4 · 12.55.5 · 12.55.6 · 12.55.7 · 12.55.8 · 12.55.9 · 12.55.10 · 12.55.11 · 12.55.12 · 12.55.13 · 12.55.25 · 12.60.4 · 12.60.3 · 12.60.35 · 12.60.47 · 12.60.60
Version 15.0.20 · 15.0.40 · 15.0.60 · 15.1.20 · 15.1.40 · 15.1.60
Release notes
  • Octane: Bug fix for Application Modules
  • Minor content & code improvements - just some housekeeping
2021-04-10 21.1
13.5 MB
Apr 13, 2021
More info Less info
Product compatibility
Version 12.50 · 12.53 · 12.55 · 12.60
Version 14.00
Version 15.00.0 · 15.01.0 · 15.50 · 15.51
Version 12.53.16 · 12.53.17 · 12.55.4 · 12.55.5 · 12.55.6 · 12.55.7 · 12.55.8 · 12.55.9 · 12.55.10 · 12.55.11 · 12.55.12 · 12.55.13 · 12.55.25 · 12.60.4 · 12.60.3 · 12.60.35 · 12.60.47 · 12.60.60
Version 15.0.20 · 15.0.40 · 15.0.60 · 15.1.20 · 15.1.40 · 15.1.60 · 15.1.90
Release notes

In this version the functionalities for developers are moved from the GDPR Content Pack to the separate ALM Octane Developer Tools.

See all release notes in the Version Information in each file.


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