
MF-Test is a comprehensive mainframe testing solution used to automate regression testing. It is fully integrated with HP ALM allowing ALM to execute and document  tests run in MF-Test

MF-Test provides automated tested for

      Screen output

      Data written to a database Sequential/Work files 


MF-Test supports

Online mode

 Batch mode

A combination of Online and Batch modes

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MF-Test Brochure 2016
136.6 KB
Jun 27, 2016
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Product compatibility
Release notes

Introduction to MF-Test

MF-Test Key Benefits June 2016
214.2 KB
Jun 27, 2016
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Product compatibility
Version 12.53 · 12.55 · 12.60
Version 14.00
Version 15.00.0 · 15.01.0 · 15.50 · 15.51
Version 16.0 · 16.01
Version 17.0.0 · 17.01
Version 24.1
Release notes

discussion of the key benefits of using MF-Test:

Increases Testing Efficiency andEffectiveness

Provides Smart Tools to AnalyzeResults

Support for System Software andHardware Upgrades

Reduces Testing Costs

MF-Test Key Functions April 2016
207.3 KB
Jun 27, 2016
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Product compatibility
Version 12.53 · 12.55 · 12.60
Version 14.00
Version 15.00.0 · 15.01.0 · 15.50 · 15.51
Version 16.0 · 16.01
Version 17.0.0 · 17.01
Version 24.1
Release notes

Key functions of MF-Test


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