
RoboQuick is part of Gallop’s Test Asset Modernization (TAM®) suite of products. It provides a high quality, cost effective and accelerated modernization path for the clients planning to modernize from IBM Rational Robot Functional Testing platform to HP’s next-gen, market leading Functional Automation platform, HP-UFT. HP-UFT enhances Automation ROI and provides a robust test execution platform.

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RoboQuick Casestudy 1.0
409.7 KB
Feb 25, 2015
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Product compatibility
Version 11.0 · 11.51 · 11.52 · 11.50 · 11.53 · 11.52.2
Version 12.0 · 12.1 · 12.2 · 12.5 · 12.20 · 12.50 · 12.21 · 12.53 · 12.55 · 12.60
Version 14.00
Version 15.00.0 · 15.01.0 · 15.50 · 15.51
Version 16.0 · 16.01
Version 17.0.0 · 17.01
Version 24.1
Release notes

RoboQuick Casestudy. Refer to the attached PDF for more info.

(409.7 KB)

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