
ArcSight Activate is a modular content development method designed to quickly deploy actionable use cases. The framework will unify our development methodology, allowing us to create portable content packages. This will get us away from working on the same old mundane problems and working on expanding our detection capability within our customer’s environments. As our detection capability grows, so does our ability to enrich data by tracking attack patterns and system state. The benefits of following a framework like this are two-fold. For a small/medium customer with limited resources to develop and care for content, we are providing packages that simply work. For more ambitious customers, we are also providing a common development methodology. This provides them with continuity as their development team grows and changes over time. With the Activate Framework, both types of customers are able to thrive despite organizational limitations or changes. This is the base package that provides the Activate Framework resources, including global variables and active channels for the Activate Framework workflow methodology. Install this package first by following the instructions provided in the Activate wiki.

Activate Base falls under the Activate License

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Activate Base
151.9 KB
Aug 16, 2018
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Product compatibility
Version 6.8 · 6.11.0 · 6.9.1
Version 7.0 · 7.2 · 7.4 · 7.5 · 7.6 · 7.7 · 7.8
Release notes

Added new category - DHCP server.

Micro Focus rebranding changes.

Activate Base
151.9 KB
Jul 26, 2018
More info Less info
Product compatibility
Version 6.8 · 6.11.0 · 6.9.1
Version 7.0 · 7.2 · 7.4 · 7.5 · 7.6 · 7.7 · 7.8
Release notes

Fix global variable to convert hostname to lower case.



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