
The Security System Monitoring (SSM) package is a collection of packages to help maintain the health of the environment. A healthy environment is imperative to identifying security incidents in a timely manner. The SSM package formally known as ArcSight System Monitoring (ASM) has been redesigned to streamline the health monitoring capabilities of the package.

Activate C-Security System Monitoring - AssetModel

  • Keeps track of all assets modeled into the ESM.
  • Keeps track of all devices (non-assets/unmodeled) reporting events into the ESM.

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Activate C-Security System Monitoring - AssetModel
36.1 KB
Aug 16, 2018
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Product compatibility
Version 6.8 · 6.11.0 · 6.9.1
Version 7.0
Release notes

 Micro Focus rebranding changes 

Activate C-Security System Monitoring - AssetModel
35.4 KB
Feb 2, 2018
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Product compatibility
Version 6.8 · 6.11.0 · 6.9.1
Release notes

This update includes minor bug fixes for Activate C-Security System Monitoring - AssetModel version only. The new version is still compatible with  C-Security System Monitoring - Base version and other packages in this bundle.

Activate C-Security System Monitoring - AssetModel
367.7 KB
Jun 27, 2016
More info Less info
Product compatibility
Version 6.8 · 6.11.0 · 6.9.1
Version 7.0 · 7.2 · 7.3 · 7.1 · 7.4 · 7.5 · 7.6 · 7.7 · 7.8
Release notes

Activate C-Security System Monitoring - AssetModel version



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