
Compliment your SaST, DaST and IaST finding in Fortify SSC with Open Source security data from Sonatype´s Nexus Lifecycle solution, powered by Nexus Intelligence, to get a complete, 360 degree view of your applications security posture.

Sonatype's Nexus Lifecycle is an open source Software Supply Chain Governance platform that allows organizations to precisely identify and reduce risk from the use of open source software without introducing false positives. This integration service and parser plugin can automatically publish results to Fortify Software Security Center (SSC) providing a consolidated view of vulnerable component findings alongside your SaAST, DaST and IaST findings. This Nexus Lifecycle integration accomplishes this with:

  • A Service which looks for new reports in Nexus Lifecycle and pushes findings to Fortify SSC on a periodic basis (configurable)
  • A configurable mappings file to correlate application/phase repots in Nexus Lifecycle with application/version in SSC
  • A plugin for Fortify SSC which parses Nexus Lifecycle findings

This plugin is free for all Sonatype Nexus Lifecycle customers.

Minimum Requirements

The plugin parser and integration were developed and tested against 19.X, 20.2.X and 21.2.X of the Fortify SSC product

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SonatypeFortifyBundle 5.0.1
May 22, 2024
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Product compatibility
Version 19.10 · 19.20
Version 20.10 · 20.20
Version 21.1 · 21.2
Version 22.1 · 22.2
Version 23.1
Release notes
  • Resolved issue that sometimes caused a Null Pointer Exception during synchronization of violations for custom policies
SonatypeFortifyBundle 5.0.0
Apr 29, 2024
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Product compatibility
Version 19.10 · 19.20
Version 20.10 · 20.20
Version 21.1 · 21.2
Version 22.1 · 22.2
Version 23.1
Release notes
  • Consolidated artifact and suppression upload into a single call
SonatypeFortifyBundle 4.3.1
Feb 5, 2024
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Product compatibility
Version 19.10 · 19.20
Version 20.10 · 20.20
Version 21.1 · 21.2
Version 22.1 · 22.2
Version 23.1
Release notes
  • Memory usage optimizations
SonatypeFortifyBundle 4.3.0
Oct 27, 2023
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Product compatibility
Version 19.10 · 19.20
Version 20.10 · 20.20
Version 21.1 · 21.2
Version 22.1 · 22.2
Version 23.1
Release notes

- Performance Improvements
- scheduling.job.cron is replaced with scheduling.fixed.rate.minutes

SonatypeFortifyBundle 4.2.13
Aug 22, 2023
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Product compatibility
Version 19.10 · 19.20
Version 20.10 · 20.20
Version 21.1 · 21.2
Version 22.1 · 22.2
Version 23.1
Release notes
  • Added a new endpoint for triggering synchronization for a given project on-demand
SonatypeFortifyBundle 4.2.12
Jun 26, 2023
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Product compatibility
Version 20.10 · 20.20
Version 21.1 · 21.2
Version 22.1 · 22.2
Version 23.1
Release notes

- CVSS scores when only Sonatype CVSS Score Exists fixed

SonatypeFortifyBundle 4.2.11
Jun 20, 2023
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Product compatibility
Version 20.10 · 20.20
Version 21.1 · 21.2
Version 22.1 · 22.2
Version 23.1
Release notes
  • CVSS scores being printed in wrong fields bug fixed
  • Enhanced Logging
SonatypeFortifyBundle 4.2.10
May 24, 2023
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Product compatibility
Version 20.10 · 20.20
Version 21.1 · 21.2
Version 22.1 · 22.2
Version 23.1
Release notes

## Changelog
- Bug fix related to fetching most recent report from the IQ Server
- Overall performance improvements

SonatypeFortifyBundle 4.2.9
May 2, 2023
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Product compatibility
Version 19.20
Version 20.10 · 20.20
Version 21.1 · 21.2
Version 22.1 · 22.2
Version 23.1
Release notes
  • Bug fix for fetching all issues from Fortify SSC
  • Addition of configuration flag loadfile.cache which can be set to false to prevent IQ reports from being cached
SonatypeFortifyBundle 4.2.7
Feb 13, 2023
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Product compatibility
Version 19.20
Version 20.10 · 20.20
Version 21.1 · 21.2
Version 22.1 · 22.2
Release notes

Performance Improvements: mapping files are now processed in parallel and the process is now up to 10x faster

SonatypeFortifyBundle 4.2.6
Nov 29, 2022
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Product compatibility
Version 19.20
Version 20.10 · 20.20
Version 21.1 · 21.2
Version 22.1 · 22.2
Version 23.1
Release notes
  • BUG FIX: Handled null pointer exceptions caused by potentially null fields found while scanning composer format components.
SonatypeFortifyBundle 4.2.5
Oct 12, 2022
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Product compatibility
Version 19.20
Version 20.10 · 20.20
Version 21.1 · 21.2
Version 22.1 · 22.2
Version 23.1
Release notes
  • BUG FIX: Allow blanks and special characters in names of Fortify applications mappings
SonatypeFortifyBundle 4.2.4
Oct 10, 2022
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Product compatibility
Version 19.20
Version 20.10 · 20.20
Version 21.1 · 21.2
Release notes

Updating artifacts upload logic to upload when:

  • An external policy evaluation is triggered e.g. via IQ CLI, CI pipelines
  • Continuous monitoring identifies a new policy violation
SonatypeFortifyBundle 4.2.2
Aug 12, 2022
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Product compatibility
Version 19.20
Version 20.10 · 20.20
Version 21.1 · 21.2
Version 22.1 · 22.2
Version 23.1
Release notes
  • The Integration works with a large number of applications (bug fix).
  • The Integration is compatible with Fortify SSC 22.1.2
SonatypeFortifyBundle 4.2.0
May 6, 2022
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Product compatibility
Version 19.10 · 19.20
Version 20.20
Version 21.2
Release notes
  • Skip upload to SSC for reports generated by Continuous Monitoring (unless changes are detected)
  • Improved logs to make them less verbose and easier to read
  • Added support to read login credentials from environment variables (Environment variables have preference over the properties file).
  • Added support for synchronization with IQ Webhooks.
  • Updated Spring boot from version 2.5.6 to 2.6.6 in response to CVE-2022-22965
21.6 MB
Nov 13, 2019
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Product compatibility
Version 18.10 · 18.20
Version 19.10 · 19.20
Version 20.10 · 20.20
Version 21.1 · 21.2
Version 22.1 · 22.2
Version 23.1
Release notes

Fixed issue where all vulns were coming in as Vulnerable OSS with a CVE number attached. Added a 'recommended version' to the remediation guidance



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