
The Business Value Dashboard (BVD) provides a high level operational view of your network. The

dashboard visualizes the metric data such as Incidents, Incident mean time to repair (MTTR),

Configuration Backup and Compliance, and so on from routers, switches and other network devices.

This metric data presented on the dashboard is collected from NNMi and NA. The dashboard refreshes

periodically and shows the updated data. Executives use this dashboard to get insight of the real time

status of the network.

The related metrics are identified as a metric group. Metric groups are aggregated for the configured

node groups and the node subtypes within node groups. The aggregated data is then pushed to BVD.

You can either use the default node groups or configure the node groups using NNMi.

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ITOM COVID-19 Response Solution R1
2.4 MB
Apr 14, 2020
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Product compatibility
Version 10.10 · 10.20 · 10.21 · 10.30 · 10.40 · 10.50
Version 2018.05 · 2018.08 · 2018.11
Version 2019.05 · 2019.11
Version 2020.08 · 2020.11
Version 2021.05 · 2021.11
Version 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Version 2017.11
Version 2018.02 · 2018.05 · 2018.08 · 2018.11
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.08 · 2019.11
Version 2020.08 · 2020.11
Version 2021.05 · 2021.08 · 2021.11
Version 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Release notes

This toolkit enables the user to create a BVD dashboard to monitor key network infrastructure for use cases such as the health of network infrastructure that facilitates work from home for employees. This is achieved by integrating the NPS server with BVD

BVD Dashboard 2017.11 onwards
1.4 MB
Nov 23, 2017
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Product compatibility
Version 10.40 · 10.50
Version 2018.05 · 2018.08 · 2018.11
Version 2019.05
Version 10.40 · 10.50
Version 2018.05 · 2018.08 · 2018.11
Version 2019.05 · 2019.11
Version 2018.02 · 2018.05 · 2018.08 · 2018.11
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.08 · 2019.11
Release notes

BVD Dashboards for 2017.11 onwards


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