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DR-Config-Diff-Tester 1.1
6.6 KB
Jul 21, 2016
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Product compatibility
Version 10.0 · 10.10 · 10.11 · 10.20 · 10.21 · 10.30 · 10.40 · 10.50
Version 2018.05 · 2018.08
Release notes

Alerts on configuration drift of devices, which should be configured (mostly) identically. EG: In a desaster recovery setup with 2 data centers where devices in DC 1 should be configured identically to devices in DC 2 (with expections like management IP, device names etc.), this tool helps to find devices where (starting from a "good state" baseline) changes have been made one one device but forgotten or made differently on the other device.

Content Pack 1.3
20.3 MB
Mar 4, 2016
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Product compatibility
Version 10.0 · 10.10 · 10.11 · 10.20 · 10.21 · 10.30 · 10.40 · 10.50
Version 2018.05 · 2018.08
Release notes

Content Pack


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