
The Operations Bridge Manager (OBM ex OMi) Integration Pack for Service Management Automation (SMAX) supports 2 use cases.

  1. Enables you to automatically open incidents in SMAX when relevant alerts are triggered in OBM.This integration enables you to configure specific CI Status alerts, SLA alerts to automatically open a corresponding incident in SMAX.
  2. Enables OBM Event Browser Widget in SMAX Incident.With having real time access to data from OBM, Incident analysts can immediately see events for the Service the Incident is created for. With this information the analyst can identify potential root causes of an incident much quicker but can also collaborate with other teams easier since real time Event data can be seen by all team members working on the Incident.

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Closed Loop Incident Process 3.0
24.7 KB
Mar 30, 2024
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Product compatibility
Release notes

New release includes below enhancements

  • SMAX Integration Studio-based solution to update events in OBM
  • Introduce new configuration parameters to simply configuration on all these flavors of Operations Bridge Manager
    • Operations Bridge Manager Classic
    • Operations Bridge Manager Containerized
    • OpScope

For detailed information, please consult the "Set up Closed Loop Incident Process (CLIP)" documentation.

Closed Loop Incident Process 2.3
134.1 KB
Sep 27, 2023
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Product compatibility
Version 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Version 23.4
Version 2022.02 · 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Version 23.4
Version 24.1
Release notes

This package supports the integration of SMAX and OBM ex OMi.

In this release fixed below issues.

  • OCTCR19M1988393 - OBM Integration errors coming from SMAX Case Exchange API are output to OBM logs as encoded strings which are difficult for customer to read
Embedded Event Browser 23.4
6.2 KB
Sep 26, 2023
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Product compatibility
Version 2023.05
Version 23.4
Version 2023.05
Version 23.4
Version 24.1
Release notes

The OBM/OpScope management pack includes configuration which are required for the embedded event browser.

This package support SMAX 23.4 and 24.1.

It includes

  • A view for RTSM called Services_Cis
  • A readonly role for SMAX users

To load the management pack Copy the file to


  • <Installation Path>\BSM\opr\mgmtpacks
  • Run the script: <Installation Path>\BSM\bin\opr-mp-installer.bat -install SMAX_Integration


  • /opt/HP/BSM/opr/mgmtpacks
  • Run the script: /opt/HP/BSM/bin/ -install SMAX_Integration
Closed Loop Incident Process 2.2
133.8 KB
Apr 20, 2023
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Product compatibility
Version 2021.11
Version 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Version 2021.11
Version 2022.02 · 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Release notes

This package supports the integration of SMAX and OBM ex OMi.

In this release fixed below issues.

  • OCTCR19M1795488 - OBM Integration errors coming from SMAX Case Exchange API are output to OBM logs as encoded strings which are difficult for customer to read
  • OCTCR19M1814250 - OBM integration does not work after an upgrade to SMAX 2022.11.P4 or later
  • OCTCR19M1508324 - Groovy script in SMAX - OMi integration specifies wrong drilldown path
Closed Loop Incident Process 2.0
155.6 KB
Aug 5, 2021
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Product compatibility
Version 10.0 · 10.20 · 10.10 · 10.11 · 10.60 · 10.12 · 10.61 · 10.62 · 10.63 · 10.70
Version 9.20
Version 2018.05 · 2018.11
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.08 · 2019.11
Version 2020.05 · 2020.10
Version 2021.05 · 2021.11
Version 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Version 2021.08 · 2021.11
Version 2022.02 · 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Release notes

This release supports the integration of SMAX and OBM by enabling OBM to access a new SMAX token API that is available in SMAX 2020.11 and greater versions.

The groovy scripts of OBM 9.2x and OBM 10.x are not compatible. Please use the correct groovy script for your OMi installation.

For details, see


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master-6235 | Wed Sep 18 10:29:05 PDT 2024