
CloudSlang Base Content contains CloudSlang content for automating use cases such as: Email, File System, HTTP Client, Remote Command Execution, Microsoft PowerShell and XML.

CloudSlang content is compatible with Operations Orchestration 10.x starting with version 10.70.

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OO Base Content Pack (CloudSlang) 1.11.6
63.5 MB
Apr 10, 2024
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Product compatibility
Version 2020.08 · 2020.11
Version 2021.02 · 2021.05 · 2021.11
Version 2022.02 · 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Version 23.4
Version 24.1 · 24.2 · 24.1.1
Release notes

This release of the OO Base Content Pack (CloudSlang) introduces the following changes:

Connection timeout functionality

The default value of timeout inputs has been increased from 0 (infinite) to 300 seconds (5 minutes) for the HTTP Client and Databases operations.

Third-party library updates

This release brings security improvements through third-party library updates. It's recommended to upgrade to the latest version of the content pack.

For more information please refer to the documentation.

OO Base Content Pack (CloudSlang) 1.11.5
63.4 MB
Jan 23, 2024
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Product compatibility
Version 2020.02 · 2020.05 · 2020.08 · 2020.11
Version 2021.02 · 2021.05 · 2021.11
Version 2022.02 · 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Release notes

This release of the OO Base Content Pack (CloudSlang) introduces the following changes:

Third-party library updates

This release brings security improvements through third-party library updates. It's recommended to upgrade to the latest version of the content pack.

For more information please refer to the documentation.

OO Base Content Pack (CloudSlang) 1.11.4
63.8 MB
Oct 5, 2023
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Product compatibility
Version 2020.02 · 2020.05 · 2020.08 · 2020.11
Version 2021.02 · 2021.05 · 2021.11
Version 2022.02 · 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Version 23.4
Release notes
What's new in OO Base Content Pack (CloudSlang) 1.11.4

Support for TLS 1.3

This version of the OO Base Content Pack supports TLS 1.3 on HTTP Client and winrm_command operations.

Third party library updates

This release brings security improvements through third party library updates. It's recommended to upgrade to the latest version of the content pack.

For more information please refer to the documentation.

OO Base Content Pack (CloudSlang) 1.11.3
63.8 MB
Sep 14, 2023
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Product compatibility
Version 2020.02 · 2020.05 · 2020.08 · 2020.11
Version 2021.02 · 2021.05 · 2021.11
Version 2022.02 · 2022.05 · 2022.11
Version 2023.05
Version 23.4
Release notes

This release of the OO Base Content Pack (CloudSlang) introduces the following changes:

New operations added
New operations epoch_time_difference and schedule_time_by_hours are available under the utils folder (Library/io/cloudslang/base/utils).

Support for Microsoft SQL Server 2022
This version of the content pack supports Microsoft SQL Server 2022.

Content pack publisher rebranded to OpenText
This version of the content pack brings changes to the content pack publisher. The publisher has been changed from Micro Focus to OpenText.

For more information please refer the documentation .


Prior releases

OO Base Content Pack (CloudSlang) 1.11.2
62.6 MB
May 10, 2023
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Product compatibility
Version 2020.02 · 2020.05 · 2020.08 · 2020.11
Version 2021.02 · 2021.05 · 2021.11
Version 2022.02 · 2022.05 · 2022.11
Release notes

What's new in OO Base Content Pack (CloudSlang) 1.11.2

Third party library updates

This release brings security improvements through third party library upgrades. It's recommended to upgrade to the latest version of the content pack.

For more information please refer the documentation .

OO Base Content Pack (CloudSlang) 1.11.0
60.8 MB
Sep 30, 2022
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Product compatibility
Version 2020.08 · 2020.11
Version 2021.02 · 2021.05 · 2021.11
Version 2022.02 · 2022.05
Release notes

What's new in OO Base Content Pack (CloudSlang) 1.11.0

Support for OAuth 2.0

The following Email operations were enhanced to support OAuth 2.0:

  • get_mail_attachment operation found in the /Library/io/cloudslang/base/mail folder
  • get_mail_message operation found in the /Library/io/cloudslang/base/mail folder
  • get_mail_message_count operation found in the /Library/io/cloudslang/base/mail folder
  • send_mail operation found in the /Library/io/cloudslang/base/mail folder

Each email provider has a different mechanism to generate OAuth tokens. Please consult your email provider's documentation for more details.

For more information please refer the Content Pack documentation .

OO Base Content Pack (CloudSlang) 1.10.2
60.5 MB
May 2, 2022
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Product compatibility
Version 2020.08 · 2020.11
Version 2021.02 · 2021.05 · 2021.11
Version 2022.02 · 2022.05
Release notes

What's new in OO Base Content Pack (CloudSlang) version 1.10.2

This release brings security improvements through 3rd party library upgrades. It is recommended to upgrade to the latest version of the Content Pack.

OO Base Content Pack (CloudSlang) 1.9.2
61.4 MB
Mar 1, 2022
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Product compatibility
Version 2020.08 · 2020.11
Version 2021.02 · 2021.05 · 2021.11
Version 2022.02 · 2022.05
Release notes
What's new in OO Base Content Pack (CloudSlang) 1.9.2

Support for SaaS based OO

  • The content pack is updated to support the flow execution on software as a service (SaaS) based OO which is available as a capability in the ESM solution. You will be able to run flows on Internal OO RAS and External OO RAS seamlessly. For more information and references see the Install section.

Added a new operation for JSON array iteration

  • array_iterator to iterate through a string that contains an array in the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. Each time this operation is called, it places the value of the current array element into the "result_string" output and advances the iterator to the next array element.

Added support for SCP and SFTP protocols to perform remote file transfer securely

The following operations are added to perform a secure transfer of files from and to remote machines.

These operations are available under: Library/io/cloudslang/base/remote_file_transfer

For more information please refer the Content Pack documentation .

OO Base Content Pack (CloudSlang) 1.8.1
63.9 MB
Aug 11, 2021
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Product compatibility
Version 2021.11 · 2021.02 · 2021.05
Version 2020.08 · 2020.11
Version 2020.08 · 2020.11
Version 2021.02
Release notes

What's new in CS Base version 1.8.1

New Active Directory operations for managing folders, groups and users in Active Directory.

Computers folder

  • create_computer_account for creating a new computer account in Active Directory.
  • delete_computer_account for deleting a computer account from Active Directory.
  • disable_computer_account for disabling a computer account from Active Directory.
  • enable_computer_account for enabling a computer account in Active Directory.
  • get_computer_account_ou for retrieving the organizationalUnitName of a computer account available in Active Directory.
  • is_computer_account_enabled for checking whether a computer account is enabled in Active Directory.
  • move_computer_account_to_ou for moving a computer account in a new OU in Active Directory.
  • reset_computer_account for resetting a computer account in Active Directory, by changing the password to the initial one.

Groups folder

  • add_user_to_group for adding a user to a group in Active Directory.
  • create_group for creating a new group in Active Directory.
  • delete_group for deleting a group in Active Directory.
  • remove_user_from_group for removing a user from a group in Active Directory.

Users folder

  • authenticate_user for authenticating a user against Active Directory.
  • create_user for creating a new user in Active Directory.
  • delete_user for deleting a user from Active Directory.
  • disable_user disabling a user account in Active Directory.
  • enable_user for enabling a user from Active Directory.
  • is_user_enabled for checking to see if a user account is enabled in Active Directory.
  • reset_user_password for resetting a user's password in Active Directory.
  • update_user_details for adding attributes to a new user in Active Directory.

These flows and operations are available under: Library/io/cloudslang/base/active_directory

New flow input: worker_group

All flows in the CloudSlang Base Content Pack now include the new worker_group input. Use this input when you want to execute your flows on specific worker groups. All the steps in the flow will run on the specified worker group. The default value is RAS_Operator_Path.

Support for Windows Server 2019

All the operations and flows in the CloudSlang Base Content Pack now support Windows Server 2019.

Dropped support for older Operation Orchestration versions

The CloudSlang Base Content Pack no longer supports Operations Orchestration 10.x, 2018.x and 2019.x. Deploy this content pack with Operation Orchestration 2020.08 or newer.

For more information please refer the Content Pack documentation .

OO Base Content Pack (CloudSlang) 1.7.1
53.3 MB
Jan 29, 2021
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Product compatibility
Version 10.80 · 10.85
Version 2018.05 · 2018.08 · 2018.09 · 2018.11 · 2018.12
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.07 · 2019.08 · 2019.11
Version 2020.02 · 2020.05 · 2020.08 · 2020.11
Version 2019.11.0
Version 2020.02.0 · 2020.08 · 2020.11
Release notes

What's new in CS Base version 1.7.1

New operations added to the File System folder

  • is_directory: This operation checks to see if a file or folder that the path points to is a directory.
  • get_children: This operation gets a list of files and folders that reside in a directory.
  • get_modified_date:This operation checks the date when a file was last modified.
  • get_size:This operation compares a file's size to a given threshold.
  • md5_sum: This operation calculates a checksum for a file and compares it to a given checksum.
  • rename: This operation renames a file or a directory.

For more information please refer the Content Pack documentation.

OO Base Content Pack (CloudSlang) 1.6.0
49.4 MB
Sep 28, 2020
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Product compatibility
Version 10.80 · 10.85
Version 2018.05 · 2018.08 · 2018.09 · 2018.11 · 2018.12
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.07 · 2019.08 · 2019.11
Version 2020.02 · 2020.05 · 2020.08 · 2020.11
Version 2019.11.0
Version 2020.02.0 · 2020.08 · 2020.11
Release notes

What's new in CS Base version 1.6.0

New operations added to Maps folder "Library/io/cloudslang/base/maps/ "

  • add_key - Adds a key to a given map.
  • compare_maps - Compares two maps based on the selected match type.
  • get_keys_v2 - Retrieves the keys from a given map.
  • get_values_v2 - Retrieves all values or the value for a specified key or keys from a given map.
  • merge_maps - Merges two maps and converts them into a single map.
  • modify_map_elements - Modifies elements in a given map.
  • remove_empty_keys - Removes keys with empty value from a given map.
  • sort_maps - Sorts a map in ascending or descending order by keys or values

New operation added to Lists folder "Library/io/cloudslang/base/lists/"

  • modify_list_elements - Modifies the elements of a given list.

New operation added to Utils folder "Library/io/cloudslang/base/utils/"

  • do_nothing - Can be used to set flow variables and execute expressions either on inputs or outputs.

For more information please refer the Content Pack documentation.

OO Base Content Pack (CloudSlang) 1.5.2
49.3 MB
Jul 17, 2020
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Product compatibility
Version 10.80 · 10.85
Version 2018.05 · 2018.08 · 2018.09 · 2018.11 · 2018.12
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.07 · 2019.08 · 2019.11
Version 2020.02 · 2020.05
Version 2019.11.0
Version 2020.02.0
Release notes

What's new in CS Base version 1.5.2

Support for PowerShell 6 & 7

  • On Windows via the new pwsh_script operation located at '/Library/io/cloudslang/base/powershell/'
  • On Linux via the ssh_command operation located at '/Library/io/cloudslang/base/ssh/'

Operation enhancements

  • The configuration_name input was added to the powershell_script operation located at '/Library/io/cloudslang/base/powershell/'

For more information please refer the Content Pack documentation.

OO Base Content Pack (CloudSlang) 1.4.0
50.2 MB
Apr 16, 2020
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Product compatibility
Version 10.80 · 10.85
Version 2018.05 · 2018.08 · 2018.09 · 2018.11 · 2018.12
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.07 · 2019.08 · 2019.11
Version 2020.02 · 2020.05 · 2020.08 · 2020.11
Release notes

What's new in CS Base version 1.4.0

  • TLS 1.2 enforcement for HTTP Client and send_mail operation
  • Proxy inputs for the send_mail operation
  • New get_mail_attachment operation , located in /io/cloudslang/base/mail/get_mail_attachment
  • New get_mail_message operation , located in /io/cloudslang/base/mail/get_mail_message
  • New get_mail_message_count operation , located in /io/cloudslang/base/mail/get_mail_message_count

For more information please refer the Content Pack documentation.


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