
NOTE - The hotfixes released for OBM 2020.10 after 01 March 2021 will not be posted in this site anymore. Please contact Micro Focus Software Support for the same

  • Instead of installing additional OBM 2020.10 hotfixes, Micro Focus recommends installing OBM 2020.10 IP1 and any related hotfixes OBM 2020.10 IP1 hotfixes from here
  • The installation of IP1 does not un-install OBM 2020.10 – it overlays new files.
  • If you still need the OBM 2010 hotfixes, please contact Micro Focus Software Support.
  • OBM 2020.10 IP1 can be found here in in these two links: (Windows, Linux).
  • The list of known issues fixed in OBM 2020.10 IP1 can be found here.
  • The list of what’s new in OBM 2020.10 IP1 can be found here.

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Cumulative fix for OCTCR19G1206123 OCTCR19G1203943 2020.10
96.3 MB
Feb 8, 2021
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This hotfix contains fix for 2 CRs

OCTCR19G1206123 : Error pop up - x" seen in Event browser when trying to change the lifecycle of an event which is getting duplicated.

OCTCR19G1203943 : HTML Event browser keeps auto-scroll to selected event till new events comes in which cause scroll bar to blinks continuously and manual scrolling is a annoying

Refer to the Readme for hotfix installation instructions

OCTCR19G1242023 create_assignment_by_aspect fails if mandatory instance parameter empty 2020.10
105.8 MB
Feb 8, 2021
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Refer to the Readme for hotfix installation instructions

OCTCR19G1206619 After upgrade to 2020.10, Error processing request occurs when saving an aspect after adding / deleting a policy with template deployment conditions 2020.10
4.2 MB
Feb 2, 2021
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Refer to the Readme for hotfix installation instructions

OCTCR19G1191307 CI resolution not working for sqlserver CIT when using hosted on in the resolver hint 2020.10
230.4 KB
Jan 22, 2021
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Refer to the Readme for installation instructions

OCTCR19G1203875 opr-close-events only sets event counter KPIs correctly for first 1000 CIs 2020.10
6.7 MB
Jan 22, 2021
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Refer to the Readme for hotfix installation instructions

OCTCR19G1202178 Policy templates with version higher than 1.9 when edited from Template Groups always populates version 1.9 in the template editor 2020.10
4.2 MB
Jan 15, 2021
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Refer to the Readme file for hotfix installation instructions

OCTCR19G1179677 User group dialog allows only name and description; assignment of roles, users, and nested groups is not possible 2020.10
891.8 KB
Jan 6, 2021
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Refer to the Readme for hotfix installation instructions

OCTCR19G1188507 Hardening configuration overwritten at every startup 2020.10
144.8 KB
Dec 18, 2020
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Refer to the Readme for hotfix installation instructions

OCTCR19G1175740 opr-agt & opr-tool - ERROR: Caught NullPointerException: null when target node has No space left on device 2020.10
1.6 MB
Dec 18, 2020
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Refer to the Readme files for hotfix installation instructions

OCTCR19G1165239 OMi Event Delay is detected - bus started only in Active DPS [ CAUSE: issue on GWS html browser causing bus to slow down ] 2020.10
87.2 MB
Dec 9, 2020
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Refer to Readme file for hotfix installation instructions


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master-6235 | Wed Sep 18 10:29:05 PDT 2024