
By using the script the SAP HANA instance will be aware of the VMware snapshot being created in quiesced mode.

A data snapshot will be logged in the SAP HANA catalog. This will work with standard VMware backups and Zero Downtime Backup for VMware (using hardware snapshots) in Data Protector.

The script should be used with the Data Protector integration for SAP HANA to make sure the log files and the catalog is properly backed up to an external backup device via backint.

Minimum Requirements

  • Data Protector Cell Manager on Windows or Linux
  • Virtual SAP HANA 2.0 system on VMware with Data Protector Disk Agent and SAP HANA integration
  • VMware Tools or open-vm-tools must be installed and running
  • SAP HANA backups should be configured to use backint using Data Protector (Data, Log, Catalog)
  • Data Protector is configured to backup the SAP HANA VM using the VMware integration
    • Standard VEPA backup
    • VEPA + ZDB (Zero Downtime Backup)

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SAP HANA Data Snapshot 1.1
3.3 KB
Apr 27, 2021
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Product compatibility
Version 10.00
Version 2019.02 · 2019.05 · 2019.08 · 2019.12
Version 2018.11
Version 2020.05 · 2020.08 · 2020.11
Version 2021.02
Release notes
  • Adjustments to the comment in the SAP HANA backup catalog

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