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SecureData console

SecureData Enterprise

Secure data continuously with our leading format-preserving enterprise data protection techniques to address privacy compliance.

SecureData console


Secure data portability

Continuous data protection on-premises and in the cloud.

Format-preserving technologies

Voltage encryption and tokenization reduce data breach risk.

Simplify regulatory compliance

Secure data and solve complex data privacy challenges.

Why Voltage SecureData?

Continuous data protection

A cyber-resilient enterprise data protection platform that protects data over its entire lifecycle.

Data-centric, proven at global scale

Protection where the access policy travels with the data itself, without changes to format or integrity.

Cloud-native data protection

Data-centric security ideal for safe deployment of applications, data, and analytics in the cloud.

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Use Cases
Solutions ideal for: Data Security


Secure, high-scale cloud analytics

Accelerate cloud migration and unlock the potential of secure data analytics at scale with data privacy by design.


Data-centric protection in hybrid IT

Deliver continuous data protection that moves with the data and maintains referential integrity for hybrid IT.

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Encrypt and tokenize payments data

Protect credit card data in retail point-of-sale, web, and mobile ecommerce environments to reduce audit costs.


Intercept and secure data

Simplify and accelerate the adoption of strong data-centric protection in SaaS, COTS, and on-premises applications.

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Securely share and shift data

Secure data on ingestion with Voltage enterprise data protection and analyze your data in the cloud in its protected form.


Accelerate cloud data security

Deploy continuous data protection for a “cloud first” or “cloud only” approach for data at rest, in transit, or in use.

SecureData Capabilities

Tokenize and encrypt any data
  • PCI, PII, PHI data
  • Intellectual property
  • IoT, geolocation
  • US, Latin, Unicode
Leading enterprise data protection
  • Voltage encryption, tokenization, hashing, and masking
  • Protect structured, unstructured data
  • Reversible or one-way protection
Integrate anywhere seamlessly
  • Client APIs—Java/.net/C
  • REST web service API
  • Native UDFs and serverless functions
  • Transparent intercept
Easily deploy anywhere
  • On-premises and cloud options
  • Highly scalable, zero downtime
  • Stateless key management
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SecureData Cloud

Accelerate cloud migration with cloud-agnostic, multi-cloud data security and privacy.

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SecureData Sentry

Simplify the adoption of data security in commercial and SaaS applications.

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SecureData for Big Data

Use continuous data protection to enable privacy and unleash the power of big data with secure analytics in the cloud and on-premises.

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SecureData Payments

Achieve end-to-end, omni-channel payments security and PCI compliance with Voltage encryption and tokenization.

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Structured Data Manager

Reduce the total cost of ownership of application infrastructure.

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SecureData Cloud

Accelerate cloud migration with cloud-agnostic, multi-cloud data security and privacy.

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SecureData Sentry

Simplify the adoption of data security in commercial and SaaS applications.

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SecureData for Big Data

Use continuous data protection to enable privacy and unleash the power of big data with secure analytics in the cloud and on-premises.

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SecureData Payments

Achieve end-to-end, omni-channel payments security and PCI compliance with Voltage encryption and tokenization.

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Structured Data Manager

Reduce the total cost of ownership of application infrastructure.

Success Stories

“Because we had such a comprehensive understanding of how our data flows, Voltage SecureData slotted right into our applications. It was very clear that we were working with an enterprise-ready solution.”

Dr. Klaus Brand – Product Manager

Swisscom Security Products and Services Swisscom AG

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“Our regulator requires us to apply a strict ‘need to know’ principle. This matches Voltage’s motto of ‘encrypt at source, and decrypt rarely’ so that no one sees the clear data without the need to process it.”

Christian Stork

Head, Strategic Projects

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“With hundreds of millions of online transactions each year, Voltage SecureData’s unique FPE and SST support drastically reduces the risk of a data breach and provides secure PII and PHI data analytics.”

Global multi-national Pharmacy Retailer

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Pharmacy Retailer

“On average, we on-board a new application into Voltage every other week. We encrypt data by default so that it is only ever exposed when required. This gives us a better risk and compliance position.”

Project Manager

CISO office, major retailer

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“As the full potential of Voltage SecureData reveals itself, we can see many potential use cases, including data encryption in other repositories within the organization, and a move to a cloud-based model as Voltage SecureData is designed to protect data as it flows between on-premises and cloud-based applications.”

Chief Information Security Officer

Global Logistics Organization

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Get Started Today

Find out how our leading Voltage SecureData solutions can help your organization.
release-rel-2024-9-1-9465 | Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024
Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024