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Micro Focus INSPIRE

Ethics and Values

Our commitment is to do business in the right way, with trust and integrity

  • Our commitment to doing business in the right way, with trust and integrity

    Our commitment to doing business in the right way, with trust and integrity

    At Micro Focus, our aspiration is to be a company with the highest level of ethics in how it treats its employees, and does business with its partners, customers and suppliers. In pursuit of this aim, we enforce rigorous standards in our relationships with our customers and partners, and apply stringent due diligence requirements when entering into any new association to prevent inappropriate, illegal or corrupt behaviors or activities. As part of our global guidelines supporting our ethics and values, Micro Focus has in place robust policies on Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Gifts and Hospitality, and our Partner Code of Conduct.

    Micro Focus complies with anti-trust and competition laws, enabling us to do business in a commercially and legally-sound manner. Guidance is set out in our Competition Policy, which is further supported and referenced in the Micro Focus Code of Conduct.

    Our commitment to doing business in the right way, with trust and integrity

Maintaining the highest standards of conduct and ethics

The Micro Focus Code of Conduct ensures we maintain the highest standards of conduct and ethics in all our business dealings around the world. It covers a range of topics from Anti-Bribery and Corruption, Gifts and Hospitality, and Conflicts of Interest, to Information Security, Human Rights and Anti-Slavery, Anti-Harassment, Anti-Bullying, and Competition Privacy.

Each year, all employees are required to complete Code of Conduct training. This requirement on all our employees underpins our values to operate with integrity and trust. These values are at the heart of everything we do, and we proudly champion them by acknowledging the annual Global Ethics Day – leveraging the occasion to further raise awareness of our expectations, regulations and policies that enable us to operate as a sustainable and socially responsible company.

Building ethical supplier relationships

Our relationships with our suppliers is fully transparent, ethical and in line with the standards expected of our own employees. For this purpose, we have our own, Supplier Code of Conduct which includes details of our standards on issues such as Slavery, Human Trafficking, Forced Labor and Child Labor; we also publish our annual Anti-Slavery Statement.

  • Values that guide our behaviour and help define our culture

    Values that guide our behaviour and help define our culture

    We have four fundamental values that our company is built around, our employees take ownership of, and our customers respect us for:

    • Focus on the Customer means we put our customers, external and internal, at the core of everything we do
    • Team and Teaming supports individual employees in doing their job and allowing others to do theirs, while holding each other accountable and treating each other with respect
    • Decide and Act gives our employees the confidence and courage to make decisions based on real-world ambiguity and imperfect information
    • Learn and Adapt promotes continuous improvement, not perfection, as the goal.
    Values that guide our behaviour and help define our culture
  • Reporting platforms ensure a safe and transparent workplace

    Reporting platforms ensure a safe and transparent workplace

    • Micro Focus encourages a culture of openness and transparency across the organization so employees can raise concerns where they feel our people, customers or suppliers are at risk, or where areas of misconduct have been identified or are suspected. Micro Focus aims to encourage openness and will support staff who raise genuine concerns, even if they turn out to be mistaken.
    • Micro Focus makes available a variety of mechanisms for employees and third parties to report concerns, including a dedicated confidential independent contact point.
     Reporting platforms ensure a safe and transparent workplace
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Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024