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Micro Focus

Fortify Academic Program

What is the Fortify Academic Program?

The Fortify Academic Program offers Fortify software products to qualifying sites for use as part of their course curricula. As a participant in the program, you teach students about static and dynamic application scanning using time-tested best practices and cutting-edge technologies. Professors build their lesson plans with application security tools and an experienced program sponsor so that students can obtain hands-on experience with industry-defining application security testing software, all at no cost outlay by the institution. Academics are empowered to expand their educational offerings and build high-demand cybersecurity skills into their programs.


How do I join the Fortify University Program?

  1. If you are a professor with the authority to act as a representative of your institution, send an email to Peter Atkins,, and express interest in joining the Fortify Academic Program.
  2. You will receive a legal agreement from Micro Focus to be signed by you, affiliating Micro Focus with your educational program.
  3. Once the legal agreement is returned, a Fortify Program Sponsor is assigned to provide licensing and download information.
  4. Integrate Fortify tools into your lesson plan, working with the assigned Program Sponsor as needed, and as time dictates.

What is expected of me?

You’re still in complete control of your curriculum, but now with the added capabilities of static and/or dynamic analysis. You’ll occasionally communicate with your Program Sponsor, at your convenience, and participate in occasional surveys. That’s it! You decide your level of involvement, we provide the tools and expertise to assist you.

What tools and capabilities are available?

The program provides two products with complimentary capabilities:

  • Static Code Analyzer (SCA) provides static analysis of source code that makes up applications. It supports translations of more than 24 programming languages and scans that code for vulnerabilities. Plugins allow integrated development environments and build integrations in addition to stand-alone options.
  • WebInspect provides dynamic analysis of running applications. This black-box analysis crawls, then audits the application, examining vulnerabilities in web pages, services, and APIs. This type of analysis is often performed in QA or as part of manual penetration testing.

Talk to your Program Sponsor to understand additional Fortify capabilities.

How can I incorporate application security into my curriculum?

How you educate isn’t up to us. Your Fortify Program Sponsor can guide you through product capabilities, offer advice with hands-on or virtual support, and work with you to understand what other successful universities are doing.

Can I opt-out of some terms and conditions when signing the contract?


What can I expect when participating in the Fortify Academic Program?

Fortify Products that are part of the Micro Focus Fortify Academic Program

The two tools currently available through the Fortify Academic program are Fortify Static Code Analyzer (SCA) and Fortify WebInspect. These perform static and dynamic analysis, respectively. SCA scans source code in more than 24 languages for over 700 vulnerability categories through the command line, from a source folder, or as a build step.

WebInspect exercises running applications as a user would, probing for vulnerabilities using automation.

Fortify Program Sponsor

You will be assigned a Fortify employee who functions as your Program Sponsor. You decide your level of involvement, building your relationship with our application security expert on your terms. Your sponsor is the primary point of contact to assist you throughout the Fortify Academic Program and will contact you twice per semester at a minimum. Your sponsor can offer guidance and training in addition to their security expertise and business acumen.

Fortify Security Software and Licenses to use for teaching purposes

Once you are an approved participant, you can download your selected software products with a one-year license that begins the day of issue. Installation, integration, and operation are your responsibility, and your Program Sponsor is available to help ensure your success. The Micro Focus Fortify Educational License Agreement contains the legal terms of licensing. Your sponsor has direct communication with the Fortify Support Team for additional assistance.

Access to Fortify Resources

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