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OpenFusion CORBA Services

Portable CORBA Services implementation.


A comprehensive suite of Java implementations of OMG CORBA Common Object Services. OpenFusion CORBA Services include CORBA Naming, Trading, Notification, Log and Time Services implementations.

Efficient and Compatible

OpenFusion CORBA Services work with your ORB.

Standards compliant. ORB and platform independent. Written entirely in Java, OpenFusion CORBA Services run on a wide range of Unix, Linux and Windows platforms.

Efficient and Compatible
Available for Micro Focus VisiBroker and Micro Focus OpenFusion JacORB ORBs

Efficient and Compatible

OpenFusion Log Service

Scalable logging and querying service.

Leading implementation of CORBA Telecom Log specification, offering persistent log records, data dissemination through log forwarding, log record filtering, and QoS.

Includes support for X.735, a CCITT recommendation for a log control function.
Includes several extensions, providing extra performance and interoperability.

OpenFusion Log Service

OpenFusion Notification Service

Guaranteed event delivery with filtering.

Leading implementation of CORBA Notification specification, providing high performance, message based communication, for loosely coupled solutions.

Transmit structured events and apply constraints through filtering mechanism.
Leverage quality of service properties and partition an event domain into logical groups.

OpenFusion Notification Service

Additional Features

OpenFusion Naming Service

Efficiently locate and use CORBA objects with interoperable Naming Service.

OpenFusion Trading Service

Discover CORBA objects by category and their capabilities.

OpenFusion Time Service

Obtain and manipulate the current time and time intervals.

Featured Resources

Web Page
Micro Focus is committed to the future of CORBA.
CORBA and Containers

Frequently Asked Questions

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CORBA Services

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release-rel-2024-9-1-9465 | Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024
Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024