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Committees of the Board

The board has established four main committees: the audit committee, the remuneration committee, the nomination committee and the ESG committee. At each scheduled board meeting, the chair of each committee provides a summary of any committee meeting held since the previous board meeting. The minutes of committee meetings are circulated to the board, when appropriate.

Audit Committee

  • The audit committee comprises only non-executive directors - Richard Atkins (who serves as its chair), Amanda Brown, Pauline Campbell, Lawton Fitt, Robert Youngjohns, Debra Polishook and Vidya Rao.

    The audit committee reviews and monitors the integrity of the Group’s financial statements/ announcements, reporting processes (including financial and regulatory compliance), the effectiveness of internal controls and risk management. The committee also reviews the company’s viability assessment as well as managing the external auditor relationship.

    Role of the committee

    The audit committee reviews and monitors the integrity of the Group’s financial statements/ announcements, reporting processes (including financial and regulatory compliance), the effectiveness of internal controls and risk management. The committee also reviews the company’s viability assessment as well as managing the external auditor relationship.


    The audit committee normally meets at least four times during each financial year and more frequently as required. For details of the activities undertaken in the last financial year, please see the latest Audit Committee Report.

    Terms of reference

    The Audit Committee Terms of Reference can be found here.

Remuneration Committee

Nomination Committee

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Committee

release-rel-2024-9-1-9465 | Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024
Tue Sep 10 19:15:35 PDT 2024